h+h cologne: 07.–09.03.2025 #hhcologne

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Weltfrauentalk: Eine Ode an die Handarbeit | Event on the h+h cologne 2025

International Women's Day Talk: An ode to handicrafts

from Koelnmesse Events
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Talk Zone, Business development & sustainability
Talk Zone, Hall 11.3, Booth D029/E030

The event

8 March is International Women's Day. We use the occasion to discuss the role of women in the needlework industry.

What does International Women's Day mean and why do we need it - or not? What challenges do women face in the industry and in general? What innovations and existential changes might not have happened without female leadership? And how can we all work together to ensure more equal opportunities and sovereignty in an industry that is often relegated to the hobby corner?

Look forward to an exciting, honest discussion and join in the debate. What can you contribute? We look forward to your input.



- Dagmar Fresenius (manufacturer, mooi Wollgarne GmbH)

- Hedi Ehlen (Managing Director of Initiative Handarbeit)

- Tina Baumgartner (Marketing Manager, Lang & CO AG)

- Roland Debschütz and Nadine Urbansky (‘kleine Hilfsaktion e.V.’)

- Angela Ziemer (fashion designer, senior master craftswoman and national chairwoman of the Maßschneiderhandwerk e.V.)
