h+h cologne: 20.–22.03.2026 #hhcologne

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We take data protection very seriously!

Safety information

Our Koelnmesse exhibitors have increasingly been receiving dubious offers to purchase visitor addresses from a wide range of target groups. In some cases, this is even taking place in Koelnmesse's name. These offers are illegal and we explicitly distance ourselves from them. We process all our event visitor data (e.g. for personalised tickets) strictly in accordance with current data protection regulations.

Koelnmesse does not forward its event visitor data to third parties. Please do not respond to these dubious offers to buy addresses!

Visit the external AUMA website to read further information on unofficial exhibitor directories .

How can I tell if an e-mail has not been sent by Koelnmesse?

Please at least examine the e-mail for the following:

  • Are you expecting e-mail from Koelnmesse?
  • Do you know the sender of the e-mail or are they not even mentioned?
  • Are you addressed by name in the e-mail?
  • Does the sender's address reference Koelnmesse or is it only intended to give the impression of originating from Koelnmesse (e.g. by including images)?
  • Is it not purely informative, but instead require you to take specific action, possibly under time pressure?

If in doubt, please inform your contact person at Koelnmesse and inquire whether the sender or content of the e-mail is known.

How should I respond to suspicious e-mails?

If you receive e-mail with suspicious content or from an unknown sender, we recommend you observe the following security advice:

  • Do not open e-mail messages, attachments or links from unknown senders.
  • Do not reply to the sender's message.
  • Ideally, delete the message immediately.
  • In general, you should never share confidential information or passwords by e-mail or phone.
  • Note the web address of the linked or redirected website.
  • Never enter your login data for Koelnmesse services if you do not trust the displayed services or the website.

Phishing example 1:

Phishing example

Phishing example 2:

Phishing example